My life is crazy right now. Someone should make a sitcom.
Long story "short":
Kyle visits for a gig. He gets really sick. There is a snowstorm during his visit that falls on Palm Sunday, so we have to cancel one of the services at church, and also the donkey that I had to hire (yes, a donkey) had to cancel. A few days later (holy week) I get REALLY sick (like kyle). Being sick during Holy Week when you're the music director is kind of a mess. I had to cancel on a Chorale concert for that Saturday, and then showed up to church Easter Sunday with a huge fever. There was a brass quintet. Oh, and found out that our pastor had a stroke. Yup. So she's in the hospital. Easter was crazy. I almost died. Then this week I kept thinking I was better, but I kept getting sick again. I finally go to the doctor and get lots of steroids so I can get through a concert at the STL Basilica on Saturday. I BARELY get through said concert, then get back at 3:30 in the morning on Sunday. wake up 3 hours later and go to church. I break the communion cup and everyone freaks out. This week we have a service modeled after Prairie Home Companion, but pastor is still gone and NO ONE knows what to do. Stress city. On top of that I get a fax from the donkey people saying that they showed up to church on palm sunday and no one was there and they want us to pay them. That is a lie. I am in a fight with a donkey.
13 years ago